Academic Information
As you form your academic and career goals, we encourage you to incorporate planning for a Global Education experience into your academic advising and career counseling appointments, as well as visits with faculty. Starting the process early can help ensure that your Global Education experience can be fundamentally linked to your career interests and degree progress.
ASU Global Education programs are academically rigorous, and all participants will earn ASU credit and grades for courses completed on any Global Education Office program. We want to help you succeed in and out of the classroom abroad, so we encourage you to review all of the resources available here for current, future and past Global Education students.
The academic details you need to know vary depending on the type of Global Education program you choose. Please review the following information for an overview of the four types of programs offered by the ASU Global Education Office:
Faculty Directed Programs
Faculty Directed program courses are created and taught primarily by ASU faculty. Participants enroll directly in one or more ASU courses offered on the program, and will be in class with other ASU students. Offered primarily during the summer sessions, each faculty directed program focuses on a certain academic discipline with students earning direct ASU course credit, and incorporates excursions and field trips to give students the opportunity to explore and learn about their host country. University, major, elective, and internship credit may be earned through participation in a Faculty Directed program.
Global Intensive Experiences
Offered during spring break, Global Intensive Experiences are embedded as part of a traditional (session C) spring semester course at ASU, or added on at the end or beginning of a session A or B course. Participants will be in class with other ASU students. These intensive field experiences abroad incorporate excursions and field trips to afford students an opportunity to connect their studies to international themes for credit.
Partnership Programs
Participants may be taking courses with students from the host country, or only with other American or international students. Though some Partnership programs will have a limited academic focus, most programs offer a wide variety of courses for students in many different majors. Proficiency in the host language may be required, but there are many Partnership programs around the world in which the language of instruction is English. Partnership program participants enroll in the program courses at the host institution, then receive ASU credit after completion of the Partnership program. University, major, elective, service-learning, internship, and individualized instruction credit may be earned through participation in a Partnership program.
Exchange Programs
Participants will be taking courses with students from the host country or only with other American or international students. Though some Exchange programs are restricted to a specific department or school, most programs offer a wide variety of courses for students in many different majors. Proficiency in the host language may be required, though there are many Exchange programs around the world at universities in which the language of instruction is English. Exchange program participants enroll in the program courses at the host institution, then receive ASU credit after completion of the Partnership program. University, major, elective, service-learning, internship, and individualized instruction credit may be earned through participation in a Partnership program.