Study Abroad 101
Explore your options
Attending a Study Abroad 101 workshop is your first step to seeing the world through an ASU Global Education program. This information session, led by a GEO Student Recruiter, covers all the basic information on program types, eligibility, housing, finances, searching for and choosing a program and the application process.
Dates and times
Spring 2025 dates - starting January 15
Study Abroad 101 workshops will be held every Wednesday from 3-4 p.m. and Friday from 11 a.m.- 12 p.m.
*Friday, February 7: Online only*
**We will not have Study Abroad 101 workshops over winter and spring breaks. Please watch a full recording using the link below.**
Can't attend these dates or times? Watch a full recording from a past Study Abroad 101 session. Or set up an appointment with a Peer Advisor, and we'd be happy to help you get started. Check out our YouTube Channel where we break down how studying abroad works in multiple videos by topic.

At our office in the Student Services Building, room 278 on the Tempe campus.

101 workshops are held hybrid over Zoom
*You must be signed into myASU to join via Zoom.